Saturday, December 29, 2007

December 29, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today it was pretty nice outside. I hope you all had a merry Christmas! I also hope you all will have a happy New Year too! People who are different, look different, talk different, or have a different name sometimes are excluded from some things in school. Some people, most likely the popular ones, think they are better and may exclude you. Let me tell you something, each different piece of a stained glass window, is just as important as the other. Although one piece may be prettier to look at than the other, it takes every single piece to make the beautiful picture. Have you seen the movie, "The Emperor's New Grove"? In that movie Kuzco says, "Let me guess, you have a great personality?", and walks away. You know what though, a great personality, and a great person is what is really important. Have you seen how many celebrities have married someone because they got pregnant, and then broke up five months later? Or just "hooked up" with them because it would look good with the paparazzi? Then have a dramatic brake-up because it wasn't what the expected? Because they went for looks, they ended up unhappy. Have you seen parents that still go out on dates after they are married? That's because they still love each other, it is because they loved them for them, not for their looks. Looks aren't everything, LOOK UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 28, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today I am going to talk about Beauty and the Beast. I know it is a kid movie, but I love it, absolutely love it! It gives those who, let's say are not so pretty, and popular, hope with someone who is. I love that movie! Ahh, it is sooooo good! I can't wait until they release it out of the disney volt! I don't know when they will, but I will wait. But it better be soon, or I'll run out of patience! I had an allergy test today! It sucked! I had to have 106 shots, under the skin, in my arms!!!!! Wow, I am allergic to a crapload of things!!! Well, that's all so, bye!!!!!! :\

Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today I am going to leave you a bit of wisdom...
In fifteen years, it won't matter how popular I was, or how I dressed,
all that mattered is that I did my best.
That I always acted to the best of my ability,
not how I got revenge on my enemies.
It won't matter what kind of ugly shoes I wore,
it just mattered I gave my all, for the right score.
I can't wait until my future arrives,
what do you think about your own lives?

Monday, November 19, 2007

November 19, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! School is going good. There's not much to say today, actually. I just thought I had better post! THERE IS ONLY TWELVE DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited! My friend and I were born on the same day! It is soooo cool! Well, I guess that is all so ttyl!!!!!!! PEACE!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Sorry, I haven't been posting in a while, I've been so busy lately! WOW! Well, today I went to consult with my orthodontist, and it is not good. My bottom jaw is too big, and if it keeps growing, I will have to have surgery when I am 16. They would have to break my jaw, then put it back into place with plates and screws. Ya, sucky huh. If my jaw only grows a little bit, all I will need is braces. I will have to have braces either way, but I really hope and pray that I won't need surgery. OW! Well, that's all for today so, ttyl!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America!!!! THREE CHEERS FOR OUR VETERANS! As most of you know, Veterans Day is upon us! Why do we honor them, the ones worth honoring? Well, because they give so much to keep our country a happy, peaceful place to live. Some of them give up families, some of them their lives. We must acknowledge them, why? BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT! DUH! I actually have an uncle who served in two wars, and a cousin that is in the National Guard. Let's just all just take a moment to honor them! Our protectors, our heroes!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today I am going to talk about giving up. NEVER! Never give up because I have found that right after you give up, what you were looking for comes along. It is true. A very good friend of mine just recently pointed out to me that Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, or any of those famous people never gave up! Neither can you nor I. Well, today was short. That's all I have to say! So peace! :)

Monday, November 5, 2007

November 6, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! I know I have been writing a lot about my future. Today I am going to talk about my favorite author! Of course, it is Mary Downing Hahn. She is a wonderful author!! She has written many childrens and young adult fiction books. Many of them on ghost stories, and others. My favorite ghost story of hers would have to be Time For Andrew. It is a great book on a kid how his great grandfather somehow traveled back through time, and how Andrew must switch places with him to save his life. Now he has to figure out how to get back to his own time. My other favorite book that isn't a ghost story is The Wind Blows Backward. I love that book! I can relate soooo much to Lauren's thoughts and feelings about Spencer!!!!!! I wish that someday I can talk to her, find out what inspired her to become an author. That is basically all that I can say right now, otherwise I would like go on forever, because I love her books!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, thanks for listening to what I have to say! So peace!!! ttyl!! :}

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 5, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! I love the beach! The sun, the waves. I actually want to go to the beaches of Maine someday. Rent a summer home there, and wtay there for the whole summer. I will sit on the beach around dusk, just writing my peoms and stories. I will go there some day. I am excited to go there when I grow up. Oh, the home will be by a lighthouse. Yes, I have great plans for my future. I can't wait to get to the shores of Maine. After Summer is over, I will go back in the fall to see all the beautiful trees turning their colors. Well, that is all for today so bye! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

November 3, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! How is your day going? I am going to talk a lot about the future in this post. What do I want to be in the future? Well, I really want to be an author when I grow up. I am planning on going to college after I graduate, and hopefully get a job at a local paper until I publish. I am hoping to get published as soon as I can. I have already worked on many things, both stories and poems. I am looking for a poetry contest that I can enter with one of my best poems. If you know of one, can you let me know.... Anyway, what do you want be when you grow up? I would really like to know. Well, that's all for know, so peace!!!! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America!! I vant to suck you blood!! lol. Happy Halloween everybody! Yes it is that time of year when you dress up in your costume! Go out and get cavities, just kidding, you get CANDY!!!!!!!! But how did Halloween get started let's find out more about this scary holiday! Happy Halloween! Peace! (I am a hippy for Halloween. lol.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Tomorrow is Halloween, just like every other kid in the world I will be off to fill my trick or treat bag with candy! Wow! Sounds like fun doesn't it??? Sorry I am not in a very good mood right now there are some things going on, that well, I don't want to talk about it... I just want to say have fun tomorrow night I know that I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

October 27, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America!! Today it is pretty nice out. I love my music video!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I love both Rascal Flatts, and House! Perfect, I mean perfect, combination of the two. I promise it rox! House is soooo good. Only this season, Cameron, Chase, and Forman aren't working for him anymore, but they are still involved. Love that show! Now on to Rascal Flatts. That band is awesome!! That song is my favorite, but it was a hard decision to make for which one I wanted on my blog. Soooo, I am putting the You Tube site I was at so you can check out other of their songs like, Skin, and Me and My Gang. So check out the Rascal Flatts. SO peace out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 25, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Tonight I have a concert, and I am one of the main people that will be playing in the band! Cooleo! Today I am going to write about respect. You know, if your popular, most likely the people that "respect" you, don't. They fear you more than they respect you. To earn respect, you have to really deserve it. For one, you have to show others respect also. Being kind is one way to help earn respect. You have to show people that you actually deserve it, before you can get it. Respect isn't a prize to be won. It is something that, well, you really must deserve it, and want it for the right reasons to get it. You need to do that because, a lot of people can see right through the mask you are trying to put on; like you when you look into a small pool of ocean water, you can see the whole tiny world underneath the surface. That's what will show when trying to earn respect, what's under the surface, not what the surface is made of. Well, now you have a slight idea of respect, there is much more that goes along with this topic, I just can't tell you it all. So R-E-S-P-E-C-T! What does it mean to YOU?! peace!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 23, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today was pretty cold in the morning, but warmed up in the afternoon. Today I am going to talk about women's history. Soon there will be a woman running for president. About one hundred eighty seven years ago, we weren't even allowed to vote, let alone run for the position. How did we come this far in our society, were all these rights just given to us, like the men? NO! We had to earn every bit of it. Let's take a look at how we came this far. . . It all started with a women names Hatshepsut. She lived in ancient Egypt. She was married to the Pharaoh until he died. Then she decided to assume his position as a woman. After a few great years ruling Egypt, the government of that time decided Egypt needed a Pharaoh. Hatshepsut didn't want to give her position up, so she put on man's clothing, and with the support of her people, became Pharaoh. She was the first woman to lead to greater society for women, proving that a woman could do a man's job, and maybe even a little bit better. Quite some time later, women's suffrage was for in the eighteen twenties. No man believed that a woman could be able to vote. So the women fought for it. After quite some time later, women won, and were now able to vote, state by state. The first state to release women's suffrage was Wyoming, the state I am proud to make my home. As you can see, women have come a long way through history. From Hatshepsut to Hillary Clinton (first woman to run for president), women have made it a long way. Proving that women could, some day, be the dominant race. If you're wondering, yes, I kind of am a feminist. So peace! Women RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22, 2007

Welcome, I hope you have had a good day! Today it is pretty cold outside. It is time for hot chocolate and marshmellows! Music today is both entertaining and slightly disturbing sometimes. Do you know all the bands we used to know and love? Well, a lot of them split up. Others just couldn't sell anymore so they dropped out of the music industry all together. All right what was your favorite band or group when you were a wee little laddie? Well, back in the day Nsync was pretty big. It was just about the biggest and the best boy band there was. I unfortunately was too young to like that group before split up. What do you like now? I like Rascel Flatts. I don't have all the cd's, but my sister does. LOL! Well what do you like? Let me know. Well peace, love, and tranquility!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 13, 2007

Welcome back to the journal of America!! Today it is foggy out! I mean WOW! The Law of Gravity, the law of pendulums. Does Galileo Galilie ring a bell to you? I wonder why not. Galileo was one of the grestet scientists, definately one of the smartest. Why don't you know about him? Because today's society doesn't care what grade you get in school, or about our country's past, or preparing for our future. All today's society cares about is what you look like or who your going out with. Also the "preps" we all knew in high school, where are they are now? Do they have a prospering job? Most likely not, because they were too worried about being liked than prospering in knowledge. Yeah, they were liked, but now what do they do? They live in a bad house, what working at McDonalds? They also probabaly have like a zillio kids and no husbands. IN high school, they were popular, but now since they got everything they wanted, they don't know how hard it is to survive in real life. They now have trouble getting anything period. But what about those that weren't popular? They were the ones that got good grades, and were basically the geeks. Where are they now? Well, they are prospering workers, and they have happy lifestyles too. They maybe have a husband or wife, and maybe some kids. So what do you want to be? Well, I am one of the geeks, I get good grades in school and I have a great plan for my futre. There are some in my class that will end up working at McDonalds or something. What do you plan to do? WHo do you want be? Well, now you probabaly want to be popular, hey everyone does. Just make sure you make the right choice in the long run. Well, bye, so peace!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Last night it snowed... but this morning it melted. It is still pretty cold outside so you might need a light jacket. Do you like what I've done with my blog? Well, anyway today I am going to talk about our beloved kid shows we all knew. I mean what happened to the good old T.V. shows we knew as kids? Like Rugrats, Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, The Power Puff Girls, and Courage the Cowerdly Dog. Those were the good days. Now all we have is useless violence and stupid shows. What happened to all we knew and loved? I don't know. All I know is they should come back because we all miss them. That is all so keep the peace. Peace out!!!!!!!! :)smile!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 6, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today it is cold and slightly windy out. It is October and it is time to start getting ready for the fall season that is already here. Time to take out the scarecrows and start carving the pumpkins! Time to get raking those leaves and trying to stop kids from jumping in them. Take out your scrapbooks ladies, it is the best time to take colorful pictures and collecting those fall colors in full color portraits! Well stay warm, have fun, and keep the peace! PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is October 5, 2007! Today I am going to say one of the places that I would like to see in my lifetime! I would like to go to Dublin, Ireland! Where would you like to go? Well keep the peace! Peace OUT!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3, 2007

Hey guyz. I thought I'd drop you a line, and I hope you drop me one back. Don't forget to check your geocaches because someone found them. I'm allright I guess if your wondering. Congrats girls for winning the two games in the tournament. How did you do against Wright on Tuesday? That's all I really have to say so leave me a comment please, bye.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

May 3, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is May 3, 2007! It is still pretty windy out! Today I'm going to write about Guns on campus. It was about school shooting, and how it is a major problem in the U.S. The article thought how would the situation could have differed if school officials had a gun. I think in some ways letting teachers have guns would help, but students may be able to get their hands on that gun, twhich would cause big problems. Also it talked of schools getting better security systems. That would help. The site talked of getting help for disturbed students. That would really be good, they just don't want to scare the students away. This site was very educational and informative. I found a site on the Internet with shocking and horrifying results of how serious school violence can be. It is horrible that these results are so high. This site is a result in how badly the U.S. needs to stop all the violence. All this is just enough! We don't need societies of violence! The U.S. is in bad shape with violence. We seriously need to stop it! I hope that this blog changed your outlook, and you will try and stop violence that you see going on in your everyday life. That is all, so please remember peace, love, and crab trees! Peace really is important! SO peace out! Keep it safe!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May 2, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today it is very windy! Today is May 2, 2007! Today's blog topic is the funniest thing that has ever happened to me. I think that the funniest thing that has ever happened to me would have to be, when I started singing "A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes" in the lunch room really, really loudly. That is not only my funniest moment, but my most embarrassing too. I looked around, and all the popular guys were laughing their heads off! Some of them were even imitating my swaying movements. It was really embarrassing at the time, but now I can laugh about it. In English class we rated what would be most embarrassing, and this moment was rated second most embarrassing. Well, that is all so, peace, love, and crab trees! Peace out!

Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is April 30, 2007! Today I had to look at an article and then write about it. My topic was "Can We Make Campuses Safer?" If you want you can read the article for more information just click on it. In this article the main purpose was how campuses across the U.S. are making their institutes safer for the students. The article talked about some schools installing high-tech security cameras, and others getting security guards. Even other schools are getting metal detectors. The article said that it will probably take a tragedy to find out how efficient your security system is. I totally agree with that! I think that this is a great site for finding out some new security systems to make campuses safer. This is a good thing, to make schooling systems safer, but some schools need to take it down a little. It is great that they want more security for their schools, just don't go too far. It is tricky that you get the right amount of safety.That is all I have for you, so peace, love, and crab trees! Peace out!

Friday, April 27, 2007

April 27, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is April 27, 2007! Today's topic is what do I think technology will be like in the future. I think that technology will be a lot more advanced than what it is today. I think that computers will get smaller, there will be more flat screened computers, and laptops. I found ( on the Internet) that there are going to be Internet controlled robots. I think that probably won't make it very far. I think that cell-phones will all have Internet access. Every last one of them. I don't believe that technology will stop at that either. I am sure that whatever lies ahead in the world of technology things will change. The age of horse and carriage is over. Soon our world as we now it in the year of 2007 will be as obsolete as riding in a covered wagon. I think that something, I don't know what, but something in the near future will alter life just as big as cars changed our way of life years ago. Soon something like that will come, and life as we know will no longer be. So what is in the future for technology? No one can be sure, but life will change. Will there be flying cars? Will robots control our every chore we hate? I don't know. All I know is somethings will change life as we know it. You may think I'm crazy, but look how far humanity has come. All you need to do is look. How many times was life changed? How many times will it change? Ask yourself. Who knows in the life of the future there may not be crab trees. SO peace, love, and crab trees! Peace out!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! The sun is shining, but it still is a we bit nippy outside! Today is April 24, 2007! Today's topic is friendship! What is friendship exactly? Friendship is a bond between two or more people of trust and devotion. A good friendship is honest. Don't be mean to your friend. Always remember to spread the peace and love. Friends are forgiving of each other, even if they make a mistake. In a friendship you don't lie, or cheat. You ESPECIALLY don't steal their erasers for gum!!!!!!!!!! (I know some people that do that.) You shouldn't make a ransom for their things. Sorry, they just are sooooooooooo annoying. I had a little outburst there. Well, always remember a good friendship is an honest friendship. Keep their secrets, or just keep your mouth shut. Don't make something up that you think is true because it may not be true. Well, just keep these few things in mind. If you remember everything I have told you, your friendships will last a lifetime. So this blog especially peace, love, and crab trees. Peace out!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is a gloomy day here in my hometown. Today is April 23, 2007! Today's topic is what will I do on my summer vacation! I will probably go to the city pool a lot. Also I know that my cousin is getting married. So I will be going to his wedding. I am excited to see all of my family again. I also know that my family will probably go on some kind of vacation. Also we love to go camping! That is pretty much it, but I have a special tribute to this blog. My ending to these blogs are my sister's words. She is an awesome person. I would like you to recognize her in this special spot in my blog. So here is her famous saying! Peace, love, and crab trees! Peace out! (Peace out is my saying though, but the rest is her's.)

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007

Welcome the journal of America! The sun is shining and today is April 16, 2007! Today's topic is what is your hobby? If you have a hobby you would like to tell me about, just post a comment! First though, I would like to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is writing stories. I would love to be a famous author some day. I first got into writing when I was little. I loved the way that some books made me feel. A lot of books I have read, made me feel extreme emotions,like what was in the book. I would like to make others feel that way about something that I write. The author that has inspired me most is Mary Downing Hahn. I love her work. Currently I am reading Hear the Wind Blow. It is really good. I just finished a story of mine called Autumn. It is about a girl who gets really sick and how her friend helps her. I am going to write The Laughter of Children. Which is going to be about a young woman who hears children laughing in the wind, and later finds out that they're ghosts. Her family does not believe her and she becomes an outcast. As she tries to figure out the meaning of the ghostly children's presence, while her family tries to convince her that she is hallucinating. She fights to figure out these odd secrets. It will be a thrilling story about the struggles of a misunderstood woman. That is enough about me though. I want to hear what your hobbies are. Just post a comment and let me know. Peace, love, and crab trees! PEACE OUT!

Friday, April 13, 2007

April 13, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! The sun is shining and bad luck is running a muck! You guessed it, it is Friday the thirteenth! April 13, 2007! Today's topic is ranting! Find out what really pushes my buttons! Well, as you may have guessed my peeps call me the hippie. As you may have also known hippies smoke dope, and pot. Well, I DON'T!!!!!!!!!!! They say I smoke pot, weed, and cloud (don't ask). I don't! It makes me SO mad! A lot of the time I just want to smack one of them! I mean seriously! I tell them I don't smoke, but they say it anyway! I think they do it just to make me mad! It just so happens, it works! I tried joking with them saying that my mom knew that I smoked, they took me seriously! I can't joke with them or they will think it is true! Wow, I need to take a chill pill. Why can't they just listen to me and find out the truth? But No, they think what they want to think and no one, I mean no one can tell them otherwise! IT makes me SO mad! Now I don't feel like peace, love, or crab trees! I am sorry, this probably isn't the best demonstration for peace, what I live for. There is something else that makes me unbelievably angry. When I was in second grade, I thought I caught a cloud in an M & M bottle. Well, aparently somone in my class remembers it! Now I am not only the hippie, I am cloud girl! It was in second grade people, LET IT GO! I mean come on, I don't even get how he remembered it in the first place! Now I get teased about it, and I can't do anything about it! I guess, before I really get mad, I will leave. I'm out! BYE!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is April 12, 2007! The sun is shining and the birds are chirping! Today's topic is family! What does family mean to you? Does it mean a home, shelter, or just people who care about you? Let me tell you, family is all that and more! Much, much more! Family doesn't have to be who you're related to. Family can be even the most unlikeliest of people. So, what makes a family then? Well, a family is a group of two or more people that care about each other. Families help each other through rough times. They comfort you when your sick, they tell you stories about themselves to comfort you when you're down. A family isn't just people who love you. A family is much more than that. True, they do love you, but there is more than just love. I have a great family, not just my biological family, but also my church family. I know one lady who always goes up to almost everyone in the church. Which is a big church and talks to them, and tells them that she loves them. Sure we aren't related, but we're still family. My friends are sort of like my family. They make me laugh, and do everything a family is supposed to. We stick up for each other and we care. That is the most important thing in a family. Caring about one another. Well, I think I gave you a good perspective on family. Peace, love, and crab trees. Peace Out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

April 10, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is April 10, 2007! The sun is shining and everything is bright! Today's topic is my favorite holiday! What is my favorite holiday? It is Christmas, of course! I love Christmas because it is a time that everyone gets together to share a meal. It is a time of joy and a time of giving. But, why do we celebrate Christmas? Christmas is a celebration of Jesus's birth. Jesus was born in a stable, in Bethlahem. He was born in a stable because there was no room for him and his parents (Mary and Joseph) in the inn. There he was wrapped in swadling clothes and laid in a manger. Shepherds, and wisemen all came to see the newborn savior. They all new that Jesus Christ was our savior. That one day he would die on the cross so that we could have eternal life in heaven with God. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. That verse is true. The bible is true. This is why we celebrate Christmas. God sent his only son to live among us, to heal and finally die on the cross so we could have eternal life. This was just the begining of God's great plan. Good Friday is the day Jesus Christ died on the cross. On Easter, three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. A miracle to make it so we could go to heaven when we die, if we believe in him. Remember all this stuff. It is important. PEACE!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

April 5, 2007

Hey, welocme to the journal of America! Today is April 5, 2007! Today's topic is what I like to do on the weekend! I like to sleep late and watch movies. Also I like to jump on my trampoline. I love riding my bike down to a swinging bench by the park on our hill. I love it because you can see the whole town from there. It is so much fun doing all that stuff. I don't really know what to put on here today. I won't be blogging again until Tuesday, so I want you to have a good weekend and have a HOPPY EASTER! Peace, love, crabtrees, and tranquility! PEACE OUT!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is April 4, 2007! Happy birthday to a friend of mine! Today's topic is where I want to live when I grow up. I think I would want to live in Gillette Wyoming. To Gillette though, because it is a reasonable place. I would want to live in Gillette because it is a nice town. It gets new places everyday. There is a Sports Zone, a cinema, and restraunts. There are grocery stores, and dollar stores. It has a lot of things that I like to see in a town. The only thing that I think Gillette should get is a mall. I think it is big enough for a mall. That is the only thing I think I would change about Gillette Wyoming. There is plenty to do there and it is a great enviroment. It has many different churches too. I think if I were to live in Gillette when I grow up I would probabally go to West Side Baptist Church. That is why I would live in Gillette Wyoming. What about Gillete's history pics? What about old Gillette? What about Gillette today? Peace, love, and crabtrees! PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! It snowed in my town today! I thought it was nice yesterday! Today is April 3, 2007! Today's topic is my favorite movie! My favorite movie is The Princess Bride. It is the best movie. I watched it just the last night. It is a romantic movie. I like those types of movies. You know, a love that can never be, and how they wish it could be and it always works out somehow? I guess I just like those movies because they give me hope for me. The Princess Bride is a movie about the princess Buttercup who loves a farmboy named Wesley. Buttercup must get engaged to a prince she does not love. The movie is about how true love ends up conquering all. These first charcters are Princess Buttercup and Wesley. These next characters are Prince Humperdink and the Count. Last we have Fessak, Indigo Montoya, and Fezzini. This is my favorite movie and I hope you check it out. It will rock your world. Peace, love, and crabtrees. Peace OUT!

Monday, April 2, 2007

April 2, 2007

Welcome good citezens of Amercia this is the journal of Amercia! Today is April 2, 2007! Today the sun is shining and the snow is glittering! Today's topic is video games! I am totally against video games! I think they are a total waist of valuable time! He, he, he! Just joking! I like video games! They improve your hank- eye cordination! I mean some are gory, but a lot of them are just wholesome fun! My favorite video game is Super Monkey Ball 2! That game is the best! All the monkeys are just so happy! The music just puts you in a good mood! My favorite monkey is the baby. I don't have that game though. A lot of the ratings on this game are five stars. Well, I am not sure what else to say. Don't forget you must excerise.

March 30,2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today the sun is shining and the snow is too! Today is March 30, 2007! Today's topic is crime! Crime is very important in this modern day world. There is crime every where. Crime is not a good thing. Even though there is crime every where, there shouldn't be. Crime makes life in big cities sometimes scary. The crime in this world should be brought down. People shouldn't be stealing and commiting crimes. People shouldn't be stealing, and killing. Life was not made for people to steal and to kill. This world shouldn't be full of crime, it should be full of good. Why can't we all just get along? I mean hippies believe in peace and love, right? I am a hippie. Forget about all the bad things in this world. We need to be happy, we need to get along! Respect each other, and just stop all bad things and live for happiness! Always remember PEACE, LOVE, AND CRABTREES! PEACE OUT!

March 30,2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today the sun is shining and the snow is too! Today is March 30, 2007! Today's topic is crime! Crime is very important in this modern day world. There is crime every where. Crime is not a good thing. Even though there is crime every where, there shouldn't be. Crime makes life in big cities some times scary. The crime in this world should be brought down. People shouldn't be stealing and commiting crimes. People shouldn't be stealing, and killing. Life was not made for people to steal and to kill. This world shouldn't be full of crime, it should be full of good. Why can't we all just get along? I mean hippies believe in peace and love. I am a hippie. Forget about all the bad things in this world. we need to be happy, we need to get along! Respect each other, and just stop all bad things and live for happiness! Always remember PEACE, LOVE, AND CRABTREES! PEACE OUT!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 29, 2007

Welcome people of America! This is the journal of America! The sun still isn't shining it is still snowing! Well come in from the cold and check out today's topic! Today's topic is American Idol!

This amazing show is going right now! It is a show where people go and sing in front of judges to be the next american ido! Simon, the sort of leader person is the best! He is so rude and crude it makes the show like really hilarious! He told one guy that he looked like a Bush Baby! He said that he looked like one of those creatures from the jungle with those massive eyes! What are they called? Oh yeah Bush Babies! I almost died of laughter. I love that show! It is the best show! Simon is definately my favorite! I abslutely love that show! I could go on forever! Seeing as I can't I will just put on some picures. Funny picture huh? Peace love and crabtrees! peace out!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! The birds are not singing, the sun is not shining. Hail is coming down with incredible force. Anyway, welcome today is March 28, 2007. Today's topic is hunting. For all you hunters out there I have a special message. You are animal killers! Stop hunting! Killing poor little animals for a sport is just wrong! I mean a little cute bunny is hopping in the forest going to her babies, when blam she's dead. Now those poor little bunnies have no mother to care for them. How sad! I mean they could die in a matter of days! Sure it's fun. Sure it's a test of your abillities. But it is wrong! A poor defensless animal just dies because of you! How does that make you feel? Now if you are hunting to have food that is a different story. You need it to live. That is okay, but killing an animal for sport? That is totally and completely wrong! Think of all those poor deer! They could have had familes! They could have had a doe to care for! You just killed not just one, but if the deer had a family you are also killing that family! Now look what you've done. You got me all riled up over hunting! I'm calm. I'm okay. Peace, love, and crabtrees. PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! Today is March 27, 2007! It's a brand new day and the sun is shining! Today's topic is Big Foot!

IS big foot real? Or is he just an imaginary figment? Honestly I don't know for sure. I think that he probabaly doesn't exist, but who knows? Maybe he is terrizing the woods somewhere. Maybe he isn't. Well, if you want my opinion, I say that he doesn't exist. I mean get real. A big hary guy with gigantic feet? Well on my page you can see some of the pictures that people took. Supposedly took anyway. I guess they believe. Well everybodys got have a hobby right? Sure some people choose jumping out of airplanes. Some people go bungy jumping. And of course, some people look for big foot. As you have noticed I have compared big foot myths to some crazy things. Is there a reason for that? You decide! Is big foot real? Is big foot just a fun myth? What do you think? Is this a real scull of bigfoot? Or is it just a funny looking monkey scull? Do I know? The question is do you? Is bigfoot real? Ask yourself that question!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Mach 26, 2007

The journal of America welcomes you! On the date of March 26, 2007!

This blog will change. Instead of a day to day journal, we will have fun! Today's journal topic is UFO's! I think UFO's are real! I love to watch The x-files! It is all about aliens and such. Don't know about the x-files? It's an awesome show! Check into it, if you like today's topic you will love the x-files! Yeah, UFO's are real! They have aliens in them! I know it! Mankind just hasn't figured out where they are hiding yet! They will never enslave the human race though. I know that. Well here are some cool picures of some UFO's to spark your imagination! Pretty cool picture huh?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

You have entered the journal of America! Today is 3-22-07!

Today is the day of the big dance! My first dance! I know, I know, you are probally not as excited as I am. Well, a girl in my class is really scaring me! I am afraid that she will tell something that she was not supposed to know in the first place! Well she want's me to pay her a dollar to not tell! I am not paying her a dollar! What to say, what to do? Sometimes my life is sooooooooooo frustrating! SO frustrating you don't have any idea! I have something cool for you do today! I will try to do this everyday so my blog can be more interesting for you. Here goes... manatees. Do you know what a manatee is? If not find out about manatees by clicking on manatees. If you have not already checked out the manatee site, here is why you should. They are a really cool animal to find info. on. They are cute. I have proof. The picture on this page is a manatee! Do you need more of a reason than that? I think not! That's all! So peace, love, and crabtrees! Peace Out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21,2007

The journal of America. 3-21-07
Hey, hey, hey! How you 'doin? Well as you may have guessed I am fine. Tomorrow is our school dance! I am sooooooo excited! I am wearing my sister's shoes, that I love by the way! I hope I don't just stand the whole time. I hope someone asks me to dance! Well there is not much going on in my life. I have church tonight, if that means anything to you. He, he, he I am enjoying this! I like playing with the italics buttons. I don't know what else to say. I wonder what my friend is writing about. I have piano lessos tonight. I love her expressions for the dance! he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he! She doesn't know why I laughed, oh well! Well, now what? Dude I am sooooooooooooo bored! I am going to my wikispace now so peace, lve, and crabtrees! PEACE OUT!

March 21,2007

The journal of America. 3-21-07
Hey, hey, hey! How you 'doin? Well as you may have guessed I am fine. Tomorrow is our school dance! I am sooooooo excited! I am wearing my sister's shoes, that I love by the way! I hope I don't just stand the whole time. I hope someone asks me to dance! Well there is not much going on in my life. I have church tonight, if that means anything to you.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The Journal of America. 3-20-07
You can call me Alexandra. There is not much going on today. I got a one on my flute solo. I am sorry if I caused you any trouble trying to find the blog I actually worked on. I am sorry for that. There is nothing very exciting going on today. I am not sure what to talk about. See that is how boring my life is, I can't even find something to talk about. Well, I like to write stories. After school I really want to work on it. I thought of some new ideas over the weekend and I am exctied to put them in! Wow, even when there is nothing to talk about I find something! Well, I guess I am just stalling now, so peace, love, and crabtrees! PEACE OUT MAN!