Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Welcome to the journal of America! The sun is shining, but it still is a we bit nippy outside! Today is April 24, 2007! Today's topic is friendship! What is friendship exactly? Friendship is a bond between two or more people of trust and devotion. A good friendship is honest. Don't be mean to your friend. Always remember to spread the peace and love. Friends are forgiving of each other, even if they make a mistake. In a friendship you don't lie, or cheat. You ESPECIALLY don't steal their erasers for gum!!!!!!!!!! (I know some people that do that.) You shouldn't make a ransom for their things. Sorry, they just are sooooooooooo annoying. I had a little outburst there. Well, always remember a good friendship is an honest friendship. Keep their secrets, or just keep your mouth shut. Don't make something up that you think is true because it may not be true. Well, just keep these few things in mind. If you remember everything I have told you, your friendships will last a lifetime. So this blog especially peace, love, and crab trees. Peace out!!!!!!!!


ello-poppet said...

PEACE AMBER!!! i totally agree with you!

yamaha rider said...

I dont want to keep the peace you hippie. But good job.

i am the ling ling' said...

i totally agree also! ROL and LOL! ttyl and peac out hippie.

vandalin11 said...

no all guys dont go hunting on the week ends some of them are just plain stupid and are queer

yamaha rider said...

I dont want to keep the peace.

stingray said...

Hey hippi well you had a good blog today. Well this is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL

vandalin11 said...

no im just joking wierd woman

vandalin11 said...

i was just joking lots of peaple dont go hunting on every weekend

B.K. said...

I like the colers that you chos for your words!!!!!COOL!DUD!!!!!!!

barbie said...

i think that it is very cool

wonderfred said...

jHe dont talk about me remember the peace.

bob said...


yamaha rider said...

I dont want to keep the peace